Website Changes

April 24

Added Modern Monetary Theory.

April 17

Added Saints Cyril and Methodius Church, Shiner, Texas.

April 8

Added Money for Nothing: The Rentier Class Versus the Precariat, Part 2: The Precariat.

March 26

Added Money for Nothing: The Rentier Class Versus the Precariat, Part 1: The Rentier Class in the Verbal Imaginings section, along with The Bricklayer's Accident Report.

March 18

Separated Imaginings into Verbal Imaginings about whatever strikes my fancy, and Photo Imaginings that display a gallery of a few of my pictures from years gone by, most of which were processed creatively in Adobe Photoshop.

March 15

Rewrote page on Palkovice

Added page about Robots

Contact form launces a carrier pigeon to my mailbox with your message held tightly in its foot.

I even added an old picture of myself on the About page.

February 25

Launched Website