Added Modern Monetary Theory.
Added Saints Cyril and Methodius Church, Shiner, Texas.
Added Money for Nothing: The Rentier Class Versus the Precariat, Part 2: The Precariat.
Added Money for Nothing: The Rentier Class Versus the Precariat, Part 1: The Rentier Class in the Verbal Imaginings section, along with The Bricklayer's Accident Report.
Separated Imaginings into Verbal Imaginings about whatever strikes my fancy, and Photo Imaginings that display a gallery of a few of my pictures from years gone by, most of which were processed creatively in Adobe Photoshop.
Rewrote page on Palkovice
Added page about Robots
Contact form launces a carrier pigeon to my mailbox with your message held tightly in its foot.
I even added an old picture of myself on the About page.
Launched Website